Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Pre-Ride Checklist

Do you have a routine before you get on your horse?  C'mon, you don't just walk out there and toss the saddle on, cinch up and go do you?  On today's show we tell you about the routine we follow and how it works for us!

We think it is important to gauge your horse's attitude before you get on.  Like any creature they are going to have days where they feel better than others.  You need to know where there head is at.  It can give you a great insight to the type of ride you are going to have. It can also give you a heads up as to how much extra work you may have to do on the ride.  

We're posting some pictures of a weekend ride I got to go on over the weekend so be sure to check out WhoaPodcast.com


John & Ranae



Check out this episode!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Martin Black Joins Us to Talk About the Horsemen's Reunion

What if there were a colt starting competition that wasn't really a competition? What if there were 20 of the best horsemen/women from around the world who got together to start colts just like they would if they were on their own ranch? What if YOU could watch close up and personal?

On this week's show we speak with Martin Black, one of the producers of The Horsemen's Re-Union where these "What if's" turn into reality.  Martin tells us about this unique competition going on April 15th-20th on the Central Coast of California at the Mid-State Fairgrounds in Paso Robles.  You can see some of your favorite horsemen and clinicians start two colts each over a five day period.  You get to see how colt starting was meant to be.

Included in the event are a concert and dinner loaded with lots of entertainment.

The are a wide variety of ticket packages available.  For tickets and more information check out the Horsemen's Reunion website and you can find them on Facebook to get updates on the schedule.

To learn more about Martin Black visit MartinBlack.net


John & Ranae 


Check out this episode!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

John Thomson on Australian Stock Horses

On today's show we have a fun and interesting conversation about Australian Stock Horses with John Thomson of Brumby's Run.  He tells about the breed, its history but much much more.  We learn about the special temperment and good mind these stout horses have and which disciplines they may be best suited for.

For more information on John's ranch and the horses he has for sale check out - Brumby's Run or http://www.australianstockhorsesusa.com/

If you have not stopped by the new website, we would love your input.  Check it out at Whoa Podcast.  And email us at john@WhoaPodcast.com.

Thanks for listening,

John & Ranae

Check out this episode!