Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Texas Campdraft

Texas Campdraft

Campdrafting Comes to Texas ~ Episode #016

Horse and riders are getting the campdrafting USA fever.  Last summer's campdraft in Kiowa, Colorado was so popular that new associations are forming to promote campdrafting in the States.  On Today's podcast we chat with Dr. Kellee Campbell, a small animal veterinarian in Austin, Texas.  Kellee is a breeder of Australian Stock Horses at and owns SandHaven Farms.  She is also an avid polocrosse competitor.  I met Kellee last summer in Colorado.  When she told me she was forming an regional association under the US Campdraft organization and producing her own event, I had to talk to her about it.

texas campdraft
Sand Haven Farms

Although the winter has been terribly cold in Texas and many people have not had a chance to get out and ride their horses, this event happening in March is sure to have a big draw.  Kellee and her group, the Texas Campdraft Association have convinced Steven Hart, clinician and champion campdrafter to come to Texas and put on a clinic and competition.  The dates have been set.  Mark your calendars for March 6th - 9th.  The first two days will be a clinic.  The clinic will teach you the rules of the campdraft.  There is also a short judges clinic.  Even if you are not interested in being a judge, the clinic can help you be a stronger competitor.  Kellee tells us all about the Texas campdraft, her horses, and a little about Texas.

Steven Hart is a campdraft champion and clinician in Australia.  Steven is flying to the States to teach the skills necessary to be a better campdrafter.  Steven has won over 200 openTexas Campdraft campdrafts in Australia.  He not only is a fierce competitor, he is a great instructor.  I had the opportunity to watch him work last year in Colorado.  He has a teaching style that is clear and effective.  I really saw the riders make some huge improvements in their skills over the two days.  Steven tells us exactly what campdrafting is and how it is scored.  He tells us what to expect at the Texas Campdraft.  And, he covers information about the horses and equipment best suited for the sport.  Steven works with Select Sires of Australia to produce some of the finest performance horses.


As always, we are very interested to hear what you have to say about this episode.  You can email us at: john@whoapodcast.com And, if you have any comments or suggestions for future show please pass them along.

Thanks for sharing these podcasts.  Our numbers are really growing and we owe it all to you, our loyal horse loving listenership.  You guys are the best!


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It took us awhile, but we finally got it.  Now listening to the show just got easier.  Help support the show.  Checkout our new Whoa Podcast Android App at the Amazon Store.

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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Rick Lamb of the Horse Show

Rick Lamb of The Horse Show

Rick Lamb The Horse Show

Episode #015

On today's show, Rick Lamb, host of The Horse Show radio and TV programs stops by and we chat about his life with horses.  Rick Lamb is an example of someone loving horses and working to make a life out of it.   I believe one of the reasons Rick Lamb is so popular is because he is so very easy to relate to.  There is a little bit of him in all of us.  He had a boyhood fascination with horses and kept following it until he found a place in the horse world.  He took his experiences in the recording studio and blended them with his knowledge of horses and his desire to teach.  Rick developed his radio show and emceed many horse expos and demonstrations.  He found good people, like Dr. Robert Miller, to co-write a book with, then wrote his own.  He developed a TV show on the RFD network and it is no surprise it quickly grew in popularity.  And, Rick Lamb continues to grow by working on a doctorate on educational technology so he can keep on teaching people what he has learned about horses.

Rick tells us a little about his journey and some of the key moments in his life.  We hear how Rick got his first horse and a little about the trials he had getting them home to his ranch in Arizona.   We also get to hear about Rick's experience interviewing and hosting numerous shows with some of the biggest names in natural horsemanship.  Rick touches a little on his relationships with Clinton Anderson, Dr. Robert Miller, Pat Parelli and John Lyons and how they all had an impact on his life and career.

Rick Lamb the Revolution in horsemanship

One of the most interesting topics, (maybe it is because I would love to raise a foal someday), is imprint training that Rick and Dr. Miller talk about in the book A Revolution in Horsemanship.   Rick tells us how if the training isn't followed, the results could leave you with a problem horse.  But, if done well you get a much more confident horse.

Talking with Rick was just so comfortable.  You know I've only been doing this a little while.  I make no bones about my interviewing skills.  I know I don't have "the pipes" to really be doing a podcast.  Rick recorded his side of the conversation at his home studio and sent me his side of the file to mix together.  He was very patient and generous with his time and was open to any questions I wanted to ask.

You can find more about Rick Lamb at RickLamb.com and the HorseShow.com

And, I would really encourage you to check out his books:  The Revolution in Horsemanship, Human to Horseman, Horse Smarts for Busy People

His TV show can be found on RFD-TV.  Check out their website for details.

As always, we are very interested to hear what you have to say about this episode.  You can email us at: john@whoapodcast.com And, if you have any comments or suggestions for future show please pass them along.

Thanks for sharing these podcasts.  Our numbers are really growing and we owe it all to you, our loyal horse loving listenership.  You guys are the best!

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Wild Mustangs with H. Alan Day

Wild Mustangs with Alan Day

On today’s program we speak with Alan Day a rancher from Arizona who back in 1988 started a wild mustang government subsidized sanctuary in South Dakota.  Alan cared for 1500 horses on 35,000 acres.  It was the first project of its kind and there was much to learn.  Mr. Day had run cattle on two other ranches one of them the Lazy B, a 175,000 acre ranch in Arizona.

But these were horses, wild mustangs in fact.  To properly manage the land the horses would have to be moved from pasture to pasture.  Did I mention they were wild mustangs?   With careful consideration to the horses’ welfare, Alan developed a way of training the wild mustangs to follow his ranch horses from one pasture to another.  Slowly he was able to gain their trust and the horses thrived on his ranch.
Alan Day has written a book, The Horse Lover, A Cowboy’s Quest to Save the Wild Mustangs, chronicling the events leading up to the creation of Mustang Meadows in South Dakota and detailing the day-to-day operations.  Along the way, Alan intersperses stories of his own personal experiences with the horses in his life.  From his first horse, Chico to Aunt Jemima, Alan has a world of stories to tell, some funny, some poignant, all captivating, about the partners he shared his work with.
You can find out more about Mr. Day by visiting his website www.thehorselover.com. It has a blog where Alan's stories about horses, ranching and the West are being posted, and also where he will be speaking.
You can connect with him on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Horse-Lover-A-Cowboys-Quest-to-Save-the-Wild-Mustangs/641650999198071?ref=hl
And on Twitter, conect with: https://twitter.com/AlanDayAuthor)
To order his book from Amazon:  http://amzn.com/0803253354

Special thanks to Alan Day and Lynn Wiese Sneyd for setting up this interview and giving us some insight into the world of wild mustangs. I was lucky enough to get an advance copy of the manuscript and thoroughly enjoyed and highly recommend the read!

Thanks for listening.  We would love to hear your thoughts on this episode.  Email us atjohn@whoapodcast.com

Our Android App On Amazon

It took us awhile, but we finally got it.  Now listening to the show just got easier.  Help support the show.  Checkout our new Whoa Podcast Android App at the Amazon Store.

Check out this episode!