Horse's Immune System and Digestion with Dr. Smith
Are you looking for natural ways to improve your horse's immune system? We are re-broadcasting our first show with Dr. Russell Smith about the benefits of Karbo Comb +. Dr. Smith has been a veterinarian for over forty years. He has worked with all sorts of livestock. Based on the work he has done and his experience in the dairy industry, Dr. Smith created Karbo Combo +. Karbo Combo + is combination of pre-biotics and probiotics. These friendly organisms help your horse's immune system by creating a friendly environment in the digestive tract. They also prevent the bad guys from getting a foothold.
I find it fascinating just listening to Dr. Smith explain the properties of his product. In particular the ionophore properties and how they help your horse's immune system function at a much higher level. More importantly, how ionophores can help reduce our dependence on antibiotics which many pathogens are becoming resistant to. Dr. Smith also explains why using a supplement like his can reduce worming applications. Have a horse with EPM? Many people have gotten excellent results with Karbo Combo+.
Thanks to Courtney over at for setting this interview up back in 2012. Dr. Smith has a wealth of knowledge and I am happy to have had the pleasure of speaking with him. You can also find out more about all the products Gomers makes at
Ride into the Sunset
Later in the show I'll give you my commentary on loping your horse and riding like you are twelve. Sometimes you just gotta do it.
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