Friday, March 30, 2012

Whip Crackin'

While we work on improving our studio to produce a better audio podcast, we wanted to offer something in the interim. In February John got an Aussie Stock Whip from Downunder Horsemanship. With the instructional video and a bit of practice, I'm getting to the point where I can consistently crack it. Now, if I am going to crack from the back of my horse, Jessie, I have to work on controlling where it goes.


John & Ranae

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Our Friesan Experience

For Ranae's birthday one of her friends arranged for us to ride Friesan horses.  This was a completely new experience for us.  I put a little video together of our time in Norco, CA.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Walkabout Tour and Conversations Around the Barn

This podcast is jammed packed!

It's the beginning of our third month of podcasting and we tell you how things are going. We talk about Satuday's ride and let you in on a breakthrough with Dusty and Ranae. We also let you know about a special free offer for you to experience the Walkabout Tour in Tulsa, OK on March 24th. Finally, we finish up with the second part of "Conversations Around the Barn" with our ferrier Sean McRoberts.

Thanks for listening,

John & Ranae

Friday, March 9, 2012

Frank Knight's Favorite Poem and Our Kern River Ride

On his visit to California we got to meet up with cowboy poet Frank Knight. We were lucky enough to spend the afternoon with Frank sharing experiences and good conversation. We were able to record his favorite poem.

Then, Ranae and I have a great ride along the Kern River.


Thanks for listening,

John & Ranae

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

We Talk Photography With Linda Gordon

Professional photographer Linda Gordon joins us on today's podcast. You may know Linda. She is the road photographer for Downunder Horsemanship. She does the majority of the photography for all the Walkabout Tour stops and the horsemanship clinics at Stephenville, Texas.

Linda shares some great advice from her 20 years experience. She can help on improve the pictures of your horse from the pasture to the trail. We talk about everything from "horizon lines" to ISO settings.

Thanks for listening,

John & Ranae

Friday, March 2, 2012

Our First Vidcast - Team Sorting

Okay folks, we're not sure if this will work, but we are going to attempt to publish a short video from our team sorting practice. We were able to capture Ranae's first run where Dusty kicks up and you'll get to see how she sits the ordeal. And, you'll get to see my first run with Jessie.

Like most things we've attempted with this podcast, some things work, some things don't. We don't let that stop us from trying.

We hope you get to see the video. If you prefer to watch it on youtube you can check out my channel at:

Thanks for listening,

John & Ranae

Our Team Sorting Video

Our Second Team Sorting Practice

Ranae and I head out for our second team sorting practice. This session was much different thatn the first. There was a lot more energy in the cow, the horses, even the people. We had a good time and you can hear it.

Special note: Look for our first vidcast, a short video of our first practice run. It should be published later today.

Thanks for listening,

John & Ranae